Grand County Colorado Tourism Board Marketing Meeting Agenda

February 18, 2025

Board Members In Attendance: Jennifer Brown, Elizabeth Brumm, Cheryl Spezia, Kristen Spronz, Megan Dryden, Gaylene Ore, Paula Isakson and Lesley Rowbal (Madden Media), Curtis T (Madden Media)

Not able to attend:  Dave Huber

1)Website Rebuild Proposal (Madden)

  • Curtis T and Lesley went over the proposal for the new website
  • Lesley reviewed goals that GCCTB has:  ADA compliance (user way tool -, Search, Visitors Home Page Experience, Mind Trip (AI Driven Itinerary Builder - - use of Wordpress (Gutenburg Blocks)
  • 6 to 7 month build time frame for new website 
  • Marketing committee members agree that a new website build is a good idea
  • Annual cost for plug ins include $9720 for User Way Pro (ADA Accessibility tool) and Mindtrip builder integration 
  • We will take this to the board meeting and then approval BOCC start work in March
  • Curtis reviewed how User Way and Mindtrip work 

2) Madden Report

  • Lesley reviewed the board report she will be presenting at the board meeting Thursday
  • Shared highlights and reviewed services:  Agency Management, media management, campaign creative executing, reporting and analysis, photo/video assets, website support 
  • Lesley shared how Madden will work with Megan to make sure organic social media is communicating 
  • Lesley shared how the Madden team will determine what content will be either updated or removed so that it does not affect what Megan is doing for her content planning and linking to website
  • Lesley shared the Madden content plan and updated creative 
  • Updated logo with Font and filled in mountains
  • Square format
  • Source of the Wild Campaign 
  • Messaging tucked into landscape
  • Showed group examples of new font, color and logo usage on ad examples