GCCTB July 2024 Marketing Committee Minutes | July 10, 2024, 9 a.m. to 10:00 a.m Zoom Meeting
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Cheryl Spezia, Elizabeth Brumm, Jennifer Brown
ALSO PRESENT AT MEETING: Gaylene Ore, Paula Isakson, Cheryl with Datafy, Richard and Lucy with Lighthouse
Richard and Lucy shared a demo of the product including pacing/historical data, occupancy/type of occupancy, revenue/guest spend, supply, impact, and origin of visitors to Grand County.
Both Cheryl and Elizabeth agreed to present to the board for approval.
Kimberly shared updates from Miles Partnership:
- National Parks Journal Ad
- Summer Leisure email: Delivered 520, 507 emails with 21 percent open rate and a click through rate of 6 percent
- Summer Paid Social: Link click through rate is 1.94 percent on average above .73 percent benchmark
- Search Engine Marketing: Click through rate is 11.77 percent. Cost per click is .49 cents
- New Placements - Local Market: KFFR Radio has 25 second announcements that air 3 times a day.
- Sky Hi News has 2 ads per month. Messaging includes events, towns cross promotion, activities, trip ideas and grant fund opportunities.
- Traffic over time to website: Engagement sessions are at 35, 155 people. Seeing an increase on website visitation.
- Events: Email sign up is showing growth. Events are showing on the website and the combination of promotion in the paper and event posters is helping with the growth on website.
Local photographer Greg completed first list of events June 23 and sent to Miles Partnership.