August 1, 2024
Grand County Colorado Tourism Board Meeting
Kremmling Chamber of Commerce
Mission Statement: We inspire a sustainable, year-round tourism economy in Grand County with an emphasis on strengthening the vitality of our communities, celebrating our local culture and traditions and respecting our environment and resources.
Board Members Attendance: Kristen Spronz, Joanna Whitemarsh, Jennifer Brown, Elizabeth Brumm, David Huber
Board Members Attending By Zoom:Rebecca Bierden, Cheryl Spezia,
Absent: Jeremy Belnap
Also in Attendance: Gaylene Ore, Paula Isakson, Carrie Tomlinson-Via Zoom (Miles Partnership), Dakota Cordle (Keller Williams)
CALL TO ORDER– Kristen Spronz called the meeting to order at 309 p.m.
Dakota Cordle - Dakota shared her interest in becoming a board member. Lived and raised in Grand County.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES-July 2024 (2 mins)
Meeting minutes for July 2024 are approved as distributed
Nothing to Report
Marketing Committee – Elizabeth Brumm
The marketing committee received the new photos from Granby Music and Market. Miles Partnership sent over the Fall Media Campaign
The next marketing meeting is Thursday August 8
Finance Committee – Ron Ellis
Nothing to report
Gaylene gave a brief overview of some of the highlights of her work over the past month.
- Awarded the CTO Destination Blueprint mentorship program
- Worked with facilitator on the board retreat
- Finalized CTO Destination Stewardship program
- Met with two interested potential board members
- Meetings with BOCC, Marketing Committee, HTA, Kristen, Antero
MARKETING AGENCY -(20 mins) - Carrie Tomlinson
- Reviewed the summer campaign and the proposed fall strategy. The board members confirmed that this was the right direction.
- Reviewed other projects that Miles Partnership is moving forward with to finish up summer.
- Discussed a potential CTO matching grant opportunity
OLD BUSINESS - (5 mins)
BOCC meeting Recap
Kristen sent out an email to the board discussing the details from the meeting
CTO Governors Conference
Kristen encouraged everyone to get signed up as soon as possible.
Travel Story’s
Gaylene reviewed Travel Story once more with the board. She proposed that we work with Travel Story to help promote the museums in Grand County. The cost would be
$13,500.00 and would include up to 7 locations (museums).
Dave made a motion to move forward with Travel Story for $13,600.00 based on recommendations from the marketing committee. Joanna seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS - (20 mins)
Board Openings
Dakota has expressed interest in Mainstem. Echo has expressed interest in 3 Lakes but was not able to attend the meeting today. Gaylene will meet with Dakota after the meeting today.
Appoint Board Secretary and Treasurer
Joanna will take Nancy Dulac’s position as the Board Secretary and Treasurer. Ron joined the meeting at 348 pm
Elizabeth moved to adjourn the meeting, and Jennifer seconded it. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
2025 Budget
Elizabeth made a motion to get out the executive session Dave seconded. The motion carried unanimously. The executive session ended at 502 p.m.