Granby Easter Egg Hunt at The Moffat Road Railroad Museum
We hope you and your family will hop on over to the Moffat Road Railroad Museum on Saturday, March 30, for our 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt! We'll have 7,000 eggs filled with candy, special prizes, and you can enjoy all that the museum has to offer, including the model train displays. Doors will open at 9:30 am and the hunt starts promptly at 10:00 am... don't be late or you'll miss out! Cost is $3 per person (paying with cash helps us get everyone to the race on time). Notes for parents: - There will be a special section by the red caboose for little ones (ages 5 & under). - Be sure your kids bring their Easter basket or a bag to hold eggs. - Please encourage older, speedier children not to "hog" eggs so that all the children attending can find some. Special thanks to our sponsors, Destination Granby and Sun Outdoors.