November 4, 2024


GRAND COUNTY, CO – In excitement and enthusiasm, Headwaters Water Rescue Authority (HWRA) is pleased to announce several fundraising opportunities at Granby Ace Hardware throughout the month of November.

HWRA was formed in 2021 as an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) to establish a county-wide, multi- agency water rescue authority to respond to water rescue emergencies throughout Grand County, and if requested, as mutual aid to other jurisdictions. The HWRA is thankful for the support of Granby Ace Hardware and the community to help raise funds to purchase a new rescue boat.

  • Round up at the Register throughout the month of November to support HWRA.
  • Milwaukee Days Hot Dogger Day: Saturday, November 9th from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. HWRA volunteers will be grilling up hot dogs with all donations going to HWRA.
  • 16th Annual Ladies Night: Thursday, November 14th from 6 – 9 p.m. Every $10 donation at the entrance door will be donated to HWRA.

Nine years ago, on July 3, 2015, a tragedy unexpectedly hit a beloved local family. Dee and Rick Mullinex would come to learn that their adult son, Christopher Eugene, drowned after jumping into Lake Granby at a depth of what would have appeared to be safe at 40 50 feet during a seemingly normal funsummer afternoon. Chris’s body was not discovered and recovered until after three days of searching and waiting for available out-of-county resources.

The devastation of losing her son to drowning compounded with the anguish of waiting for his body to be recovered and brought home to be buried, ignited a deep passion in Dee Mullinex to ensure that no family ever experiences that again in Grand County. From this tragic event, the Christopher Mullinex Water Rescue Fund was created. The primary mission is to provide funds for equipment, training and public education regarding water safety so that every person that enjoys Grand County’s lakes comes home safely. Dee Mullinex was an integral part of the driving force behind the eventual formation of HWRA and continues to be a supportive arm through the Christopher Mullinex Water Rescue Fund.

Sheriff Brett Schroetlin shared, “The addition of a new rescue boat through the Headwaters Water Rescue Authority would allow our first responders to respond to emergencies in our bodies of water with the same care and compassion that we would for any other type of emergency.”

Granby Ace Hardware is open Monday – Saturday from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The store is located at 627 W. Agate Avenue in Granby.

Tax-deductible donations are also gratefully accepted and checks can be made payable to Headwaters Water Rescue Authority and mailed to Grand Fire Protection District No. 1, P.O. Box 338, Granby, CO 80446.


Hands gesturing toward logos for Country Ace Granby and Headwaters Water Rescue Authority. Text mentions the 16th Annual Ladies Night event and support for the rescue authority.